Serbia – Tragedy Strikes: 13-Year-Old Shooting Leaves Nine Dead in Serbia

Tragedy Strikes: 13-Year-Old Shooting Leaves Nine Dead in Serbia

Serbia is in a state of shock after a 13-year-old boy opened fire at a school in Belgrade, killing eight children and a security guard (CNN). The teenage boy carried out the attack just after lessons began on Wednesday morning (BBC). The boy reportedly made a “kill list” for the attack, which included sketches of classrooms and names of students he intended to target (AP News).

The young shooter is now in custody, along with his father, as his father’s gun was used in the attack (NPR). Police were alerted to the shooting by the boy himself, who called them after the tragic event unfolded (NPR).

The attack was premeditated, with the 13-year-old having planned it ahead of time and having drawn detailed sketches of the classrooms (CBC). Furthermore, he had made a list of students he intended to target, highlighting the calculated nature of his actions (AP News).

This tragic mass killing has left the people of Serbia, particularly the capital city of Belgrade, reeling from the unexpected violence (USA Today). Questions are being raised about the connections between various aspects of Serbian society, particularly its leadership and underworld drug gangs, in light of this horrific event (The New York Times).

Serbia now faces a challenging time as it grapples with the aftermath of this tragic school shooting, which has left nine people dead and a nation in mourning (Reuters).