May Day – May Day Rallies Demand Better Working Conditions and Protest Pension Reforms

May Day, celebrated each year on May 1, saw workers around the world gathering in rallies and marches demanding better working conditions, higher wages, and protesting against pension reforms (Al Jazeera). In France, clashes between demonstrators and police occurred as protesters expressed their anger against President Emmanuel Macron’s pension reforms, which include increasing the retirement age (NBC News, Reuters, CBS News).

In Los Angeles, multiple May Day rallies and marches took place, advocating for worker and immigrant rights (ABC7, FOX 11). One march started in downtown LA and made its way to Pershing Square before concluding at Grand Park near Los Angeles City Hall (NBC Los Angeles). Rallies were also held in Riverside, Southern California (ABC7).

Seattle also saw a May Day march focused on supporting worker and immigrant rights (King 5 News). The annual event on May 1 is internationally recognized as a day for workers’ rights demonstrations and gatherings (KIRO 7).