Marvel fans are eagerly awaiting the release of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, the final installment in director James Gunn’s trilogy of films, which opens in theaters on May 5, 2023. The film centers on Rocket, voiced by Bradley Cooper, as he embarks on an emotional journey. Reviews have been mixed, with some calling it the “best Marvel movie in years” and “surprisingly emotional,” while others say it’s “grotesque” and “exhausting.” (Variety, New York Post)
Gunn, who was briefly fired by Disney in 2018 before being rehired, is praised for his ability to balance corporate needs with personal blockbuster filmmaking. (Roger Ebert) The film includes the character Adam Warlock, played by Will Poulter, who appears to be a formidable opponent for Nebula. (Comic Book Movie)
Fans have been speculating about which characters will survive in the film, and one cast member may have given a hint that their character will make it through. (Yahoo News) Gunn has also explained Rocket’s backstory in a new clip. (Collider)
Despite the mixed reviews, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 offers a rare thing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe – an emotional conclusion to a beloved trilogy. (IGN) As fans await the release, they can reflect on the impact that the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise has had on the MCU, saying goodbye to a team of heroes that has captured their hearts over the years.