John Mulaney, once known as one of the internet’s premier boyfriends and a beloved figure of the comedy scene, has reinvented himself in his new Netflix special “Baby J” (Slate Magazine). In the special, Mulaney reveals personal details about his struggles with drug addiction, including his intervention and rehab stay (USA Today). Mulaney also details the “star-studded” intervention that brought him to rehab and saved his life (New York Post).
In “Baby J,” Mulaney upends his “nice guy” persona and delivers bristlingly funny material about addiction that punctures his persona (The New York Times). Mulaney’s show of vulnerability has been questioned – is “Baby J” a show of vulnerability? (Vulture) Regardless, Mulaney’s stories about drug abuse and rehab can help break stigma surrounding drug addiction (USA Today).
Despite his personal struggles, Mulaney’s comedic genius remains evident in “Baby J”. In fact, he tells an instantly iconic joke about the “Emoji Movie” that has become a fan favorite (The Daily Beast). Mulaney’s once beloved “nice guy” persona is also officially gone as he breaks up with it once and for all (Vanity Fair).
In addition to his new special, Mulaney also revealed that Pete Davidson was the first to call him when he was in rehab (TooFab). Mulaney returns to the stage in “Baby J” where he keeps his guard up, revealing just enough to captivate his audience but not enough to let them in completely (Variety).
Overall, Mulaney’s new special “Baby J” offers a raw and vulnerable look into his personal struggles with drug addiction while maintaining his signature comedic genius.