The Power Rangers returned to our screens with their new reunion special “Power Rangers: Once and Always,” which debuted on Netflix. The show celebrates the 30th anniversary of the franchise and focuses on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the original series that aired in 1993. Fans of the franchise have been eagerly waiting for this special episode and it has not disappointed.
The show is a big millennial nostalgia trip that brings back all the favorite characters from the original show’s heyday. The show’s launch was celebrated with a variety of interviews, explaining why the show continues to be popular after all these years, as well as Easter eggs and references to previous storylines that only die-hard fans would be able to spot and appreciate.
The special’s one-hour runtime featured a heartwarming story that tugs at the heartstrings of fans. It brings back original Rangers from the early series, including their cheesy, hacky, primary-colored glory, and one unexpected character who even ardent fans would have forgotten about. The special delivers a ton of nostalgia, including an Easter egg to honor a special actor that most people probably missed.
The “Power Rangers: Once and Always” reunion special is a paradox of legacy, loss, and missing pieces. It also contains a multitude of references to the previous series that helped the franchise become the juggernaut that it is today.
To catch up on the mythology of the show, fans can brush up on the details of the previous series ahead of the 30th anniversary special. From Zordon’s death to Tommy’s wife, all the essential details are provided to help viewers relive their favorite moments from the past series.
In conclusion, “Power Rangers: Once and Always” has lived up to expectations, and the show has reignited the passion of old-time fans, while also engaging a new audience. The special is a reminder of why the franchise remains popular, and it’s a fantastic way to celebrate 30 years of the franchise. Fans of the show will no doubt be hoping that it’s not the last they will see of our beloved Power Rangers.