Liz Harris

Liz Harris, a Republican representative in Arizona, has been expelled from office by the GOP-controlled state House for promoting baseless conspiracy theories during a legislative hearing ( The vote to expel her was bipartisan, with 46-13 in favor of her removal ( The decision came after a legislative ethics committee found that Harris invited a witness whose testimony was filled with false accusations ( Harris has been a proponent of QAnon conspiracy theories, which claim that there is a deep state of high-ranking officials working to undermine former President Trump and his supporters (

Harris’ expulsion has led to the question of who will replace her. A new Republican will soon take over her seat, but it is unclear who that will be ( Two prominent names lead the candidates to replace Harris (

Harris had responded to her expulsion by saying that she would continue to fight for the people of Arizona ( Arizona State Senator TJ Shope weighed in on Harris’ expulsion, saying that it was necessary to protect the integrity of the legislative process (

Harris’ expulsion highlights the growing concern over the spread of conspiracy theories in politics and the need for accountability when promoting false information (